By Published On: September 24, 2020

IoT and The Industry 4.0 Revolution

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (or Industry 4.0) was a term coined in 2015 by Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum. The phrase points to the advancement and automation of manufacturing and industrial practices utilizing smart technologies and connected “things”, including:

  • Smart sensors

  • Mobile devices

  • Asset trackers

  • Connected vehicles and machinery

  • 3D printers

  • Augmented reality/wearables

Big data and large-scale machine-to-machine communication (M2M) are core capabilities of these “things”, enabling increased automation, improved communication, and self-monitoring. Without information and data from these devices, the revolution currently underway would not be possible; connectivity between devices and the Internet is foundational to the entire Industry 4.0 ecosystem.

People sometimes assume that since many of these machines operate within a warehouse setting, WiFi or hardwired internet are the optimal communication transport technologies for Industry 4.0. However, these notions are proving increasingly incorrect, as industries require intelligent cellular solutions that operate under many different scenarios.

For example, a machine that is mobile (think an asset tracker, sensor, mobile device, connected vehicle, etc.) requires a solution that will stay connected to the Internet when it moves outside of a warehouse setting. Additionally, a solution that is not mobile, but operates completely “in the wild” (i.e. outside of a building) also needs a wireless solution (think sensors on oil rigs, AgTech solutions, etc.).

Taking it one step further, even if a device operates completely within a warehouse setting or building, a cellular-connected solution might still be preferred over WiFi or hardwired technologies. Specifically, we are seeing a large influx of customers requiring Private LTE solutions, which offer secure, wireless, private, and local networks for connected devices.

Unfortunately, most cellular solutions do not provide customers with an option that is designed for a full range of Industry 4.0 use cases. That’s why Teal built a solution that is uniquely able to (1) switch seamlessly between public and private networks, (2) help customers manage devices within Private LTE networks, and (3) work on virtually any cellular network in the world.

For more information on how to leverage Teal’s eSIM technology for the Industry 4.0 revolution, please reach out to